Citerat ur en skokartong

Jag var i full färd med att slita isär en kartong för att ta ut den till skräpet när rubriken nedan stal min uppmärksamhet. Där, där jag minst anade det hittade jag dagens dos av inspiration. Tack vare att det var just där jag minst anade kom jag att tänka på hur viktigt det är att inte glömma vad som är viktigt, även om man inte sysslar med det för tillfället. Detta var vad jag läste inuti skokartongen:


The opportunity to make it better is everywhere if we choose to act. Better is seeing a void and filling it. Hearing a call for help and answering it. Tanking a wrong and making it right. It is as small as making boots, shoes and gear, or as big as changing the world. Better is giving employees paid time to serve. Bulding a house. Painting a school. Empowering our youth. Feeding the hungry. Or revitalizing a community. Better is to call to action. A rallying cry. Fearless. Determined. Passionate. And connected. It is searching within. Reaching out. Heading into the eye of the storm. Adventuring out to the middle of nowhere. And doing so with purpose.

So when the sun sets and we think about what tomorrow will bring, we understand that better is not what we do. It is who we are.

Citat & egna tankar | |